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Ways to Hire & Onboard Remote Workers

Ways to Hire & Onboard Remote Workers

Ways to Hire & Onboard Remote Workers Recruiting remote workers has shifted to become a main focus for many businesses. Prior to the pandemic, many companies had little to no best practices in place for recruiting, hiring and onboarding remote workers and had to...

Tips & Trick for Onboarding a New Hire

Tips & Trick for Onboarding a New Hire

Tips & Tricks for Onboarding a New Hire Finding a new employee may seem like the end of a journey, but a new one is just beginning. Ensuring a smooth onboarding process is critical. It’s not as easy as filling out forms and starting the new job. Having a...

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‘Recruiting Daily’ Recognizes TAM Co-Founder, Edna Nakamoto

‘Recruiting Daily’ Recognizes TAM Co-Founder, Edna Nakamoto

rosieEdna Nakamoto, CEO and co-founder of The Applicant Manager (TAM), was recently named by Recruiting Daily as “One of 300 Women in HR Technology Worth Watching”.

TAM, started in 2011 by Edna and her co-founder Jim Garrison, is an applicant tracking system that was born out of a recruiting need recognized through Edna’s work as a human resources consultant. Prior to venturing out on her own, Edna spent over twenty years serving in various human resources leadership roles. read more…

Have You Seen What Your Employees Are Saying About You?

Have You Seen What Your Employees Are Saying About You?

Online Applicant Tracking System and Employement TrendsYears ago, companies could hide behind their impressive buildings and stock earnings, leaving potential employees wishing for a glimpse behind the marble-tiled foyer to find out how it might feel to be one of “them”. Knowing someone who worked there might be the lucky break that could give them the inside scoop they needed to find out bits of knowledge regarding salaries, corporate culture, and advancement opportunities.  This would sometimes be all the first-hand information available to a job-seeker before deciding to interview with a company they admired from afar.

Those days are over.

Not only are companies more purposely transparent through the use of websites and a heavy social media presence, but because of sites like Glassdoor, a TAM Integration Partner, their current and past employees have the opportunity to share anything they care to about things like pay, benefits, working conditions, hours, growth potential, and leadership. (see below information on the upcoming Glassdoor webinar)

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California Leads Nation in Gender Pay Reform

California Leads Nation in Gender Pay Reform

equal payFor over fifty years there have been laws in place requiring equal pay for men and women doing the same job. Even so, discrepancies in pay still persist. In California, where the new equal pay law, the Fair Pay Act, went into effect the first of the year, data introduced into legislation shows women being paid 84 cents for every dollar made by their male counterparts.

The Fair Pay Act, voted in with virtually no opposition, aims to make it harder for employers to require employees to do the same work, but pay some workers less because of job titles. Now, companies will be required to really take a look at each position, and the work required, and assess pay based upon the work actually being done. Rather than justifying pay with job titles, employers will need to thoroughly assess job responsibilities and requirements.

This new law may be most beneficial to those in positions typically classified as laborers such as housekeepers. In this example, a housekeeper commonly does the same work as a custodian, but because of their job title, is paid a lower rate.

Pay inequality may exist due in large part to the fact that people don’t know they’re being under paid. Within most companies, the culture is such that discussing pay is strictly prohibited. The Fair Pay Act prevents employers from terminating or punishing workers who discuss their pay with coworkers.

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Five Great Reasons for Building an Employer Brand

Five Great Reasons for Building an Employer Brand


Finding top talent in today’s marketplace has completely changed, and merely posting open job opportunities fails to draw in candidates. People want to find more than a job; they want to find a career that connects with their own values and goals, while making a difference larger than themselves.

There are companies with employer brands so strong that landing a job with them has become something of a status symbol. What makes these companies so successful at attracting potential employees is the message they’re sending out about themselves.
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