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3 Surprising Ways an All-In-One Solution Will Disappoint You

3 Surprising Ways an All-In-One Solution Will Disappoint You

Let’s say that, for your next date-night, you choose the new fancy steakhouse in town. Their chef is world-famous, and you’ve never seen such stellar reviews for a pricey steak dinner. They promise to cater to your every need for the evening, and the meal does not...

How to Provide the Best Candidate Experience

The biggest part of a candidates experience takes place before even making contact with them. Oftentimes, this process begins the moment they find a job post from your company. Ensuring that this process is smooth for job seekers sets the tone for how they approach...

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Is it better to hire contract or full-time?

Is it better to hire contract or full-time?

In today’s world, there are many different hiring practices. There are full-time workers, part-time workers, contract workers who freelance, contract-to-hire and so on. With contract hiring websites such as Jobble and Upwork, some positions can easily be filled seasonally or only when necessary.

On the other hand, hiring a full-time worker could be more impactful in the long-term for a company. With someone who has the skillset and the longevity for a given role, they grow in value as the company retains them.

So which is better – a contracted worker or a full-time hire? Let’s find out.

When to go with a contracted hire

The pros to having a contracted hire is that they are a very flexible option for companies who want someone to fill a position. They help budgets, allow for trial, can be productive and can offer novel ideas. Whether you need a time-based or project-based hire, it makes for a very attractive option.

Giving a worker a project or two to work on rather than having a full-time employee busy some of the time is typically a cheaper option for companies with small budgets. Even when it comes to termination, typically that is done on the behalf of the staffing agency.

Hiring a contracted worker will allow you to get a good feel for a worker before committing full time. You want to make sure that a worker has both the skills and motivation needed for the job. With a trial, you’ll be able to gauge a sense of good-fit or not.

This hire also allows for new ideas. Say your employees are stuck in a groupthink situation where that fresh perspective has been lackluster. An outside hire can be really helpful in any situation to get some new ideas coming through the workflow funnel. Helping move projects and tasks that are in standstill is what makes companies succeed after all.

When to go with a full-time hire

On the other hand, some believe that contract roles are killing upward mobility and there should be a balance complete with full-time workers. Full time employees are a fixed-cost and are compensated in accordance with their skills and experience level.

Does upward mobility matter to the job candidate? Does it matter to the employer?

After a worker has had some experience in a position, they do also become sort of an asset of value to the company. With previous experience, knowledge and a know-how for processes, this can be of great value to a company’s core mission. If you have contract hires who are working a project, but miss out on key details because they’re unaware – there’s missed opportunities.

The Key details

There are a lot of factors at play when it comes to a company’s onboarding process. It seems that in the 21st century, many are looking to cut unnecessary costs wherever they can, which has led to more contract hires than ever before. With the internet as a tool, it is easier than ever to get some extra hands on a project. Full-time hires still obviously happen, and can prove to be very beneficial – to both the employer and employee.

So when it comes down to it, it is a matter of budget size and what you best believe fits your companies hiring needs. Do you need someone in and out, or do you need someone to stick around and embed themselves within your company’s mission?





Human Element of Recruiting Cannot Be Replaced by Artificial Intelligence

Human Element of Recruiting Cannot Be Replaced by Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in Employment Trends and Recruiting Process

In theory, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) gives companies the ability to pass human recruiting tasks on to automated tools. Not only does this delegate the prescreening process to a robot, it can also prevent would-be candidates from even becoming applicants. This would effectively reduce the need for “turndown” or rejection letters, at least within the initial phase of the recruiting process.

In an effort to decrease the high volume some recruiting teams deal with, A.I. tools handle prescreening questions, skills assessments, and even administer challenges or tests that a potential applicant would need to pass before being moved on to the next step in the process. The next step being the part where they deal with an actual human.

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Is Your Online Employment Application Applicant Friendly?

Is Your Online Employment Application Applicant Friendly?

Digital tablet pc showing online job application form

You’re confident that you have a great company culture. Your current employees are happy and retention is at an all-time low. Why, then, are you struggling to get enough applicants to fill your open positions?

More than likely, the problem is with your online application process.

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How to Improve Recruiting in Hospitality by Leveraging Technology

How to Improve Recruiting in Hospitality by Leveraging Technology

Recruit Hospitality Staff

Perhaps no other industry in the employment marketplace has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as much as the Hospitality industry. Due to the nature of the professions within this industry, you can understand why the pandemic has had such a detrimental effect.

But as anybody who works or has worked in Hospitality can attest, it was a unique and complex industry before the pandemic began. In fact, it’s unlike any other. As a result, HR is often plagued by challenges and obstacles not encountered by those working in other industries.

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When and Why Video Interviewing Might Be Right for Your Business

When and Why Video Interviewing Might Be Right for Your Business

Best Job Posting Sites for Employers

We’ve addressed the benefits and advantages job video interviews before in this blog. And of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced most employers to utilize video interviews when screening candidates for their open positions.

Here’s the good news. The video interviewing of the past was expensive. It required costly, bulky equipment, and required coordinating a time and place with compatible equipment on the other end. Now, almost everyone has the capability and access to conduct video interviews via phone, tablet or laptop.
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Why Good Communication with Job Applicants is So Important

Why Good Communication with Job Applicants is So Important


Put yourself in an applicant’s shoes. When they apply for a job at your organization what is their experience? Do they receive an acknowledgement that their application has been received? Will they be contacted even if they’re not a good fit or when they fail at a step in the recruiting workflow?

What some employers don’t realize is that not only do most candidates expect an automated reply that acknowledges their application, the majority also expect a personal email response and even anticipate a phone call.
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How to be a Good Recruiter: 4 Easy Steps to Hiring Success

How to be a Good Recruiter: 4 Easy Steps to Hiring Success


In today’s technology-driven world, you might think automation and artificial intelligence (AI) will soon overtake the field of recruiting and hiring.

But slow down! Technology plays its part, of course, but human-to-human interaction is still the most important piece of the puzzle. Recruiting best practices are difficult to learn and apply, which is why you should strive to become a good recruiter, if not a great recruiter.

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What is Applicant Tracking System Software for Talent Acquisition?

What is Applicant Tracking System Software for Talent Acquisition?

software-releaseRecruiters, hiring managers, and anyone else in involved with recruiting – does this nightmare sound familiar?

Imagine an overflowing email inbox, a stack of resumes ten inches high sitting on your desk, calls to make and a long list of things to do. Where do you start? You spent last week manually posting ten different urgent job postings on the internet; now you have to sort, vet, screen, interview, and hire the applicants while you do everything else that you’re responsible for.

How are you realistically going to stay on top of all of this?

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Why Company Goal Setting Should be a Key Part of Company Culture

Why Company Goal Setting Should be a Key Part of Company Culture


We hear about company culture quite a bit. Open concept offices, flexible hours, on-site gyms and a casual dress code. These influence a culture, but at the end of the day, how are we truly defining company culture?

A culture is the values and practices shared by the members that make up the culture. Company culture is the values and practices shared by the members, or employees, of a company. When we’re speaking about values, or as some organizations refer to them – core values, it’s important to remember that these values are the key to shaping the culture of a company. When a company knows exactly what their values are, their culture is defined, and the organization is in a position to clearly outline their goals.
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