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3 Surprising Ways an All-In-One Solution Will Disappoint You

3 Surprising Ways an All-In-One Solution Will Disappoint You

Let’s say that, for your next date-night, you choose the new fancy steakhouse in town. Their chef is world-famous, and you’ve never seen such stellar reviews for a pricey steak dinner. They promise to cater to your every need for the evening, and the meal does not...

How to Provide the Best Candidate Experience

The biggest part of a candidates experience takes place before even making contact with them. Oftentimes, this process begins the moment they find a job post from your company. Ensuring that this process is smooth for job seekers sets the tone for how they approach...

Search Results

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5 Strategies to Effective Recruiting in a Candidate Driven Market

5 Strategies to Effective Recruiting in a Candidate Driven Market

This is part five of our five-part series about effective recruiting in a candidate driven market.

By: Edna Nakamoto and Jessica Barrett
This week wraps up our five-part series on recruiting in a candidate driven market. We’ve covered strategic planning and determining need, and internal and external recruiting. In our previous installment, we looked at external assessment tools. As promised, today we’ll be talking about the final step in the recruiting process: Making the Final Selection.

Making the Final Selection

There is one key thing that that should happen even before the prescreening process begins, and that is for you to remember that you are the expert on market conditions. It is your job to educate your hiring managers on what is going on within the landscape of a candidate-driven marketplace. Don’t expect them to already be aware of that, especially those managers who rarely do any hiring. This will make the expectations going in to the interview process clear, and the process that much smoother. read more…

Internal Screening: Part Three of a Five-Part Recruiting Series

Internal Screening: Part Three of a Five-Part Recruiting Series

This is part three of our five-part series about effective recruiting in a candidate driven market.

By: Edna Nakamoto and Jessica Barrett

help-wantedIn part two of our five-part series on recruiting, we took a look at resources, strategies and processes. We’ve already briefly touched on the topic of internal screening, but today, we’re going to further unpack this important topic.

All too often, as soon as an employee gives notice that they are leaving, organizations quickly post the open role to fill the vacancy as soon as possible. It’s a natural reaction as losing someone means lost productivity, lost revenue, and a heavier workload for their colleagues. However, taking a step back and examining your current talent pool may prove to be the best first option.

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Resources, Strategies & Processes: Part 2 of a 5-Part Recruiting Series

Resources, Strategies & Processes: Part 2 of a 5-Part Recruiting Series

This is part two of our five-part series about effective recruiting in a candidate driven market.

By: Edna Nakamoto and Jessica Barrett

resources-strategies-and-processesTwo weeks ago we started our five-part series on recruiting, where we began by examining how we determine recruiting needs and establish strategic processes. This week, we’re going to take a look at recruiting resources, specific strategies, and more on processes.

Recruiting Resources

Obviously one main focus of every recruiting team is where and how they will find candidates. In today’s recruiting climate, the opportunities for sourcing are significant. Let’s take a look at some of the tried and true, and some you may not have considered.

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Five Strategies to Effective Recruiting in a Candidate Driven Market

Five Strategies to Effective Recruiting in a Candidate Driven Market

This is part one of our five-part series about effective recruiting in a candidate driven market.

By: Edna Nakamoto and Jessica Barrett

5 strategies to effective recruitingRecruiting today is not the same as it was even a few short years ago. The market is candidate driven, meaning the talent you’re seeking is receiving multiple offers at a time, being contacted by recruiters regularly, and in the position to change employers easily when their work stops being fulfilling. If you or your team are looking at making your recruiting more effective as you navigate these market changes, or are just jumping into recruiting, join us for our five-part series about effective recruiting in a candidate driven market.

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Choosing the Right Applicant Tracking System for Your Business

Choosing the Right Applicant Tracking System for Your Business

dog doorThere are times when we assume that bigger is, of course, better. A bigger house, a bigger car, a bigger office. Through experience, we come to learn that bigger is definitely not always better. Just like a bigger house isn’t necessarily the best fit for a single person, or a sports car the right choice for a family of eight, your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) isn’t necessarily the better fit, just because it’s the biggest option on the market.

In the world of Applicant Tracking Systems, there are three different profiles companies generally fit into:
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6 Must Follow Steps for Compliant Background Checks

6 Must Follow Steps for Compliant Background Checks

background checks TAM and GoodHire recently joined forces to present a webinar on background checks. They discussed the FCRA requirements that result in the most claims and how to comply, the role and requirements of the EEOC, when and how to use employment credit checks and drug screening, and how ban-the-box laws affect background checks.

In addition to reviewing relevant state laws and consulting with legal counsel, here are six must follow steps to create compliant employment screening policies for your business.

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3 Important Questions to Ask About Employment Credit Reports

3 Important Questions to Ask About Employment Credit Reports

CreditWhen New York City passed the nation’s most severe restrictions on employment credit reports in 2015, it joined 11 states and several other cities that limit the practice. Similar legislation is pending in 17 other states and at the federal level.

Even in places that have passed bans, though, exemptions exist. That’s because, despite the controversy, employment credit checks play an important – and in some cases required – role in due diligence around hiring.

The Controversy
A 2012 survey from the Society of Human Resource Management found that 45% of employers run employment credit reports to reduce or prevent theft, while 22% run them to reduce legal liability for negligent hiring.

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9 Recruiting Resources You Won’t Want to Miss

9 Recruiting Resources You Won’t Want to Miss

recruiting resources
As a recruiter, it’s easy to get so buried in the weeds at times that we forget there are thousands of other people out there having the same challenges and asking the same questions. Indecisive hiring managers, frustrating candidates, too many requisitions to fill, and not enough hours in the day. The good news is that in those moments when you come up for air, or at least another cup of coffee, there are resources available to not only support you, but to remind you that you are never in this recruiting gig all alone.

There are some fantastic sites and blogs out there that if you’re not already familiar with, are worth your time to check out. The following list is made up of resources that provide a world of information on recruiting and Human Resources, but not in the most traditional way, which is just one of the many things that make them so enjoyable. read more…

Have You Seen What Your Employees Are Saying About You?

Have You Seen What Your Employees Are Saying About You?

Online Applicant Tracking System and Employement TrendsYears ago, companies could hide behind their impressive buildings and stock earnings, leaving potential employees wishing for a glimpse behind the marble-tiled foyer to find out how it might feel to be one of “them”. Knowing someone who worked there might be the lucky break that could give them the inside scoop they needed to find out bits of knowledge regarding salaries, corporate culture, and advancement opportunities.  This would sometimes be all the first-hand information available to a job-seeker before deciding to interview with a company they admired from afar.

Those days are over.

Not only are companies more purposely transparent through the use of websites and a heavy social media presence, but because of sites like Glassdoor, a TAM Integration Partner, their current and past employees have the opportunity to share anything they care to about things like pay, benefits, working conditions, hours, growth potential, and leadership. (see below information on the upcoming Glassdoor webinar)

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