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Ways to Hire & Onboard Remote Workers

Ways to Hire & Onboard Remote Workers

Ways to Hire & Onboard Remote Workers Recruiting remote workers has shifted to become a main focus for many businesses. Prior to the pandemic, many companies had little to no best practices in place for recruiting, hiring and onboarding remote workers and had to...

Tips & Trick for Onboarding a New Hire

Tips & Trick for Onboarding a New Hire

Tips & Tricks for Onboarding a New Hire Finding a new employee may seem like the end of a journey, but a new one is just beginning. Ensuring a smooth onboarding process is critical. It’s not as easy as filling out forms and starting the new job. Having a...

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drug policy
The Applicant Manager Announces Partnership with Verified First

The Applicant Manager Announces Partnership with Verified First

The Applicant Manager Streamlines Hiring Through Partnership With Verified First
In-house screening tools will improve efficiency of hiring process

Verified First, the premier background and drug screening company in North America, announced that their screening tools are available through integration with The Application Manager (TAM), a customizable, cloud-based applicant tracking system. As the premier pre-employment screening provider, Verified First brings a wide variety of background verification services to companies who utilize TAM’s system. The SaaS applications offered by Verified First and TAM are integrated via a patent-pending technology developed by Verified First. read more…

New Marijuana Laws Mean Updates to Drug and Alcohol Policies

New Marijuana Laws Mean Updates to Drug and Alcohol Policies

marijuana-lawsThe nation is undergoing some major changes right now, and not just politically. Not only did voters have to choose a new President, but many states also voted on whether or not to legalize the use of recreational marijuana.

On November 8th, five states voted “yes” or “no” to recreational cannabis. The states who have recently joined Colorado, Washington, Alaska and Oregon, where it was already legal, are California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada. Arizona was the only state with this topic on their ballots that for now voted “no”. read more…