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Ways to Hire & Onboard Remote Workers

Ways to Hire & Onboard Remote Workers

Ways to Hire & Onboard Remote Workers Recruiting remote workers has shifted to become a main focus for many businesses. Prior to the pandemic, many companies had little to no best practices in place for recruiting, hiring and onboarding remote workers and had to...

Tips & Trick for Onboarding a New Hire

Tips & Trick for Onboarding a New Hire

Tips & Tricks for Onboarding a New Hire Finding a new employee may seem like the end of a journey, but a new one is just beginning. Ensuring a smooth onboarding process is critical. It’s not as easy as filling out forms and starting the new job. Having a...

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Month: August 2020
How to be a Good Recruiter: 4 Easy Steps to Hiring Success

How to be a Good Recruiter: 4 Easy Steps to Hiring Success


In today’s technology-driven world, you might think automation and artificial intelligence (AI) will soon overtake the field of recruiting and hiring.

But slow down! Technology plays its part, of course, but human-to-human interaction is still the most important piece of the puzzle. Recruiting best practices are difficult to learn and apply, which is why you should strive to become a good recruiter, if not a great recruiter.

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What is Applicant Tracking System Software for Talent Acquisition?

What is Applicant Tracking System Software for Talent Acquisition?

software-releaseRecruiters, hiring managers, and anyone else in involved with recruiting – does this nightmare sound familiar?

Imagine an overflowing email inbox, a stack of resumes ten inches high sitting on your desk, calls to make and a long list of things to do. Where do you start? You spent last week manually posting ten different urgent job postings on the internet; now you have to sort, vet, screen, interview, and hire the applicants while you do everything else that you’re responsible for.

How are you realistically going to stay on top of all of this?

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