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Top Recruitment Best Practices for 2021

Top Recruitment Best Practices for 2021

Employees are the lifeblood of any company, which means finding the best talent is critical to your organization’s continued success. As we wrap up Q1 of 2021, it’s wise to ensure your organization is following the latest top trends in recruitment best practices. This...

recruiting resources
As a recruiter, it’s easy to get so buried in the weeds at times that we forget there are thousands of other people out there having the same challenges and asking the same questions. Indecisive hiring managers, frustrating candidates, too many requisitions to fill, and not enough hours in the day. The good news is that in those moments when you come up for air, or at least another cup of coffee, there are resources available to not only support you, but to remind you that you are never in this recruiting gig all alone.

There are some fantastic sites and blogs out there that if you’re not already familiar with, are worth your time to check out. The following list is made up of resources that provide a world of information on recruiting and Human Resources, but not in the most traditional way, which is just one of the many things that make them so enjoyable.

    1. 6-7 fistfulFistful of Talent, by Kris Dunn, is startlingly refreshing. Startlingly because it’s not at all what you’d expect from a site dedicated to recruiting.  Fistful of Talent, or FOT as they refer to themselves, covers every topic relevant to talent acquisition and talent management that you’d want to read about, but with none of the boredom. Sourcing, relocation, making offers, it’s all there, but with a whole lot of straight talk, and a lot less corporate lingo.

      Each of the writers for FOT are HR professionals, and have just the right amount of snark to make their posts entertaining yet extremely informative. Fistful of Talent is the perfect site to check out if you’re interested in seeing another perspective on the status quo.


    1. 6-7 workforceFistful of Talent has exclusively partnered with Workforce. Workforce is a pretty large multimedia publication you’ve likely heard of before. It’s dedicated to helping HR professionals in all facets; compensation, benefits, legal, recruiting, technology, training. Workforce provides content that answers almost any question you might have, regardless of the size of your organization.


    1. 6-7 hr capitalist.fwPrior to starting Fistful of Talent, Kris Dunn started HR Capitalist. This blog is written exclusively by Dunn, and is a little more technical than FOT, but still relatable, interesting, and fun to read. Dunn has been an HR executive for a number of years, and his writing speaks of someone who has seen and heard just about every scenario in the book.

      In the same refreshing style of FOT, HR Capitalist is free of impractical fluff that sounds great but doesn’t feel remotely like any company or team in the real world. What you’ll find on HR Capitalist is applicable, and at times, what you need to hear, not want to hear.


    1. 6-7 undercover recruiter.fwUndercover Recruiter is run by Link Humans, a social and digital marketing agency in London. This site is perfect for a busy HR professional; the articles are fun, engaging, and a quick read. They cater to both recruiter and job seeker, with tips, ideas, and information relevant to today’s marketplace.


    1. 6-7 evil hr lady.fwTruth be told, Evil HR Lady doesn’t actually seem so evil, just honest and knowledgeable. This blog, run by Suzanne Lucas (based in Switzerland) covers all facts of Human Resources. Not only does she write about every HR question and topic most of us have, but her site acts as a sort of forum to leave questions and comments. You’ll see an active, engaged community of HR professionals helping one another out from all over the world.


    1. 6-7 blogging for jobsBlogging 4 Jobs is the blog of Xceptional HR Consulting, owned and operated by Jessica Miller-Merrell. Similar to some of the other sites in this list, the posts written by contributors to this blog are unique and fun. Their topics are heavily recruiting related, but with a fresh twist, combining hot HR topics and current trends.


    1. 6-7 lindsey pollak.fwLindsey Pollak – Millennial Workplace Expert With all the discussion surrounding millennials in the workplace, this is a resources you’ll want to tap into. Lindsey Pollak is a millennial workplace expert, who has written two bestsellers geared to this demographic. While her books and site are geared to that audience, for anyone looking to hire and work with millennial workers, she offers great insight into the millennial mind.


    1. 6-7 laurie ruettimann.fwLaurie Ruettimann is an HR consultant, blogger and author. Her blog is a unique blend of professional and personal, something you wouldn’t necessarily expect to see, but because of this dynamic, feels surprisingly supportive. Laurie feels like someone you’d sit down to coffee with, wind up with a wealth of great HR advice, and walk away feeling like you’d known her all your life. The topics she covers span the whole of HR, but rather than just a lot of information, it feels more like solid advice.


  1. 6-7 recruiting dailyRecruiting Daily is one of the largest sites in existence dedicated to recruiting. They provide a comprehensive blend of just about anything you need to get your hands on; webinars, podcasts, white papers, blog posts, eBooks and lists of upcoming events. This site caters to both small businesses and large corporations alike.

    The advice, information, and sometimes flat out entertainment you might glean from each of these sites is well worth your time. More importantly, though, is the community you’ll find within each of them. If you’re a seasoned pro, or just starting out, we all need one another in this business we call recruiting.

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